PCI-Express 3.0 VS Sata 3 SSD


Nov 27, 2013
Can someone please explain what the advantages of the PCI E ssd over a Sata 3 ssd is?

I am putting together a box and am putting in a ssd but am not familiar with these PCI E drives. My board has the PCI E 3.0 and so i was considering getting one but is it just the read/write speeds that are faster or is there some other advantage (thats notable beyond the obvious read/write)?

This is not a special build, just a curious for consideration.
your average user will see no performance increase for spending the extra money over just a regular SATA SSD. Unless your doing a bunch of file transfers, just running benchmarks, or using it as a scratch drive it's not worth the money for the extra speed you get about a 0.4 second faster boot time.
It depends on what you are installing. An NVMe SSD over the PCIe 3 bus will be fastest. One other consideration is whether or not the BIOS supports booting from PCIe. Some older BIOSs don't support booting from PCIe but since this is a new build it probably does. Check the specs on your chosen mobo.
your average user will see no performance increase for spending the extra money over just a regular SATA SSD. Unless your doing a bunch of file transfers, just running benchmarks, or using it as a scratch drive it's not worth the money for the extra speed you get about a 0.4 second faster boot time.

well its not exactly a 'new' bui;ld, im using a ASRock FM2A68M-DG3+ mainboard. It doesnt have a m.2 slot (which i just learned about those as well) but it does have a pci e slot. But considering the cost per gb ratio, i think i will just go with a 2.5 sata drive.


thats actually the answer i was looking for. Thanks for teh reply! I had just posted that I am jsut going to go with a sata 3 ssd. Thanks!

No problem a lot of people see the fast read/ write times and say OH YA but in reality unless you meet the above conditions a regular SATA SSD is all you need. A regular SATA SSD is already so fast most of your boot time is the motherboard post process that the drive has nothing to do with.