I have an hp 5700 sff and wish to add a video card. The user manual says there are 2 pci express 2 slots and 1 pci express 1 slot. The motherboard has pci ex-1 stamped next to the indicated short black slot and matches the user manual description. The 2 cream colored slots say on the motherboard pci2, not pcie 2 or pci x 2.
This seems to be in conflict with the user guide unless these terms are synonymous. Is pci2 the same as pcie 2 or pci x 2 or pci ex 2? A google serach asking this exact question did not clarify. Obviously, I need to know so I don't buy a card that doesn't fit.
This seems to be in conflict with the user guide unless these terms are synonymous. Is pci2 the same as pcie 2 or pci x 2 or pci ex 2? A google serach asking this exact question did not clarify. Obviously, I need to know so I don't buy a card that doesn't fit.