Question PCs bad smell causing allergic reaction

Jan 7, 2025
To preface, my father and I are very allergic to chemicals, and my mother lost her smell. This is relevant.

Might be a little rambely, I feel like I'm losing it trying to figure this out. TL;DR at the bottom.

About a year ago I bought my pre-built tower and about a week after started emitting a smell. At first I thought it was the PSU and replaced that, but that wasn't the cause. Then I cleaned it in hopes it was just some factory dust, no luck. And then it went away. And then returned. And it would repeat this pattern with and without intervention. It would stay away for weeks and I could do whatever, no matter how big the load (I've done model rendering with 100+ tabs and a large game open) with no issue. Until it would return and stay for several days, even if left at idle or off for hours, before going away again.

So far I've been the only one who can actually smell it. Most of the time when it's happening its a consistent smell, but then will suddenly get very heavy for no apperent reason. It also soaks into fabric and hair. If you just walk in the room it's fine, but if you stay for a bit, enough of the molecules will gather in your palette to be able to pick up on it. Stay for long enough and you can taste it when you breathe through your mouth. It took my father ~30 min of being in my room before he started having a reaction, but even then still couldn't smell it.

I've tried using my nose to find the source many times at this point and can't even get a consistent answer, but it's chemically with a bit of hot metal. It does not smell like burning plastic. The first time I tried to pinpoint it I thought it was the PSU, then the GPU, my AIO, a case fan, my Monitors, and now I'm getting a heavier hot metal smell from the backside of the motherboard while the more chemically comes from the front near the CPU. My temps are fine and I cannot stress this enough, it does NOT smell like burning plastic. The closest match I've found for the chemical part is thermal paste but that shouldn't be causing this weird and bad a problem over a year after it was built, right?

What would cause this kind of smell to be so bad that I have an allergic reaction and can't even pinpoint where it's coming from? The PC has changed rooms and moniters several times and the smell has consistently followed it.

I'm gonna get some headache meds and step outside for some clean air.

TL;DR: Chemically/hot metal smell, not burning plastic, causing reactions in 2 people. No one else can actually smell it despite that. Normal temps. Can't even pinpoint compenent causing it but it's 100% the computer.
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Please list the specs to your build like so:
CPU cooler:
include the age of the PSU apart from it's make and model. BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.

I'm gonna get some headache meds and step outside for some clean air.
Seems to me like your room needs some ventilation/fresh opening the window to let the gases exhaust to atmosphere. What sort of air filters do you use in your abode?

Moved thread from Components section to Systems section.
To preface, my father and I are very allergic to chemicals, and my mother lost her smell. This is relevant.

Might be a little rambely, I feel like I'm losing it trying to figure this out. TL;DR at the bottom.

About a year ago I bought my pre-built tower and about a week after started emitting a smell. At first I thought it was the PSU and replaced that, but that wasn't the cause. Then I cleaned it in hopes it was just some factory dust, no luck. And then it went away. And then returned. And it would repeat this pattern with and without intervention. It would stay away for weeks and I could do whatever, no matter how big the load (I've done model rendering with 100+ tabs and a large game open) with no issue. Until it would return and stay for several days, even if left at idle or off for hours, before going away again.

So far I've been the only one who can actually smell it. Most of the time when it's happening its a consistent smell, but then will suddenly get very heavy for no apperent reason. It also soaks into fabric and hair. If you just walk in the room it's fine, but if you stay for a bit, enough of the molecules will gather in your palette to be able to pick up on it. Stay for long enough and you can taste it when you breathe through your mouth. It took my father ~30 min of being in my room before he started having a reaction, but even then still couldn't smell it.

I've tried using my nose to find the source many times at this point and can't even get a consistent answer, but it's chemically with a bit of hot metal. It does not smell like burning plastic. The first time I tried to pinpoint it I thought it was the PSU, then the GPU, my AIO, a case fan, my Monitors, and now I'm getting a heavier hot metal smell from the backside of the motherboard while the more chemically comes from the front near the CPU. My temps are fine and I cannot stress this enough, it does NOT smell like burning plastic. The closest match I've found for the chemical part is thermal paste but that shouldn't be causing this weird and bad a problem over a year after it was built, right?

What would cause this kind of smell to be so bad that I have an allergic reaction and can't even pinpoint where it's coming from? The PC has changed rooms and moniters several times and the smell has consistently followed it.

I'm gonna get some headache meds and step outside for some clean air.

TL;DR: Chemically/hot metal smell, not burning plastic, causing reactions in 2 people. No one else can actually smell it despite that. Normal temps. Can't even pinpoint compenent causing it but it's 100% the computer.
This may not be much help (probably not) but it's possible that very sensitive noses are prevalent in your family. An air purefier near the pc might help, but if you do have a super sensitive nose, I doubt it. Can you detect the smell when you are near other computers?
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Please list the specs to your build like so:
CPU cooler:
include the age of the PSU apart from it's make and model. BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.

I'm gonna get some headache meds and step outside for some clean air.
Seems to me like your room needs some ventilation/fresh opening the window to let the gases exhaust to atmosphere. What sort of air filters do you use in your abode?

Moved thread from Components section to Systems section.
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700X
CPU cooler: AIO
Motherboard: ASRock B550M-C, BIOS P1-60
Ram: 32 GB
SSD/HDD: MSI M371 1TB/ Samsung SSD 2TB
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060ti
PSU: Gigabyte P650G, bought late 2023, prob ~Sept?
Chassis: Phanteks Metallic Gear Neo Air, White
OS: Dualboot Windows 11/ Ubuntu
Monitor: Dual 27in Acers

I have an open door and fresh filters in the AC and air purifier beside me (I have 8 cats and work with faux fur, anything with a vent/filter gets cleaned regularly lol). I'd love to open my window but I'm in a part of the US that's getting hit with the snowstorm. I've also opened my window and had tons of fans around before and it doesn't really help.

Also had my dad and brother give the tower another whiff and they couldn't smell anything, immediately followed by me getting new waves of headache pain as a wall of it hit me. This is really weird.
This may not be much help (probably not) but it's possible that very sensitive noses are prevalent in your family. An air purefier near the pc might help, but if you do have a super sensitive nose, I doubt it. Can you detect the smell when you are near other computers?
They are prevelent and I do have a purifier beside me. No, this is the only computer I've had to deal with illness from, excluding the school computer labs. I always got sick in there, but given how much mold I found, I think that was from other issues lol
Pet dander and heat would be my guess. Eight cats with allergies?

Not trying to be dismissive of your issue here, but c'mon...

Wait, so now eight cats and a previous mold problem, but it is THIS PC?
I'm aware how it sounds. I'm allergic to chemicals, not cats. The inside is cleaned weekly because I'm well aware how much dander gets in there. And no, the mold was in reference to the school computer labs always making me sick, not this computer.
When you purchased this pre-build, it was NIB, never opened, never used, not a display model or so on?

I have picked up used parts in the past where the user either smoked cigs or vaped and had some pretty awful smells come out.

My family also doesn't use any form of aerosols because of the allergy, so no vape/cigs/febreeze/or anything else that could collect and cause that
Does your home or the placement of this PC allow for moving it out of the room (other side of wall) and/or into a crawl or basement (below floor) with longer cabling?

If you took a moment to take a break from this PC, power it down, remove from the room do your symptoms subside? You don't have this issue with any other PC or laptop that you use?
Does your home or the placement of this PC allow for moving it out of the room (other side of wall) and/or into a crawl or basement (below floor) with longer cabling?

If you took a moment to take a break from this PC, power it down, remove from the room do your symptoms subside? You don't have this issue with any other PC or laptop that you use?
Currently no, however I am working on building an air tight cabinet for my 3d printers (don't want to be breathing in those fumes either) so I can just make space for it on one of the bottom shelves and run the cables along the floor if I'm not able to figure out whats causing this

Depends on how bad the smell is, how far its traveled, and how soaked into my clothes/hair it is. But in general, yes, if I step outside for a few minutes it does become better. No, none of the other PCs and laptops I use/am regularly around cause this in any form. It's only my tower.
Stay for long enough and you can taste it when you breathe through your mouth.
And then it went away. And then returned. And it would repeat this pattern with and without intervention. It would stay away for weeks
Could be your own sinuses as being it comes and goes.

And you being in a room where the air would build up over time you would be extra sensitive and pick up on it.

Ever walk into a room where someone ate a stinky cheese and garlic sandwich. You smell it.

Sinuses are harder to figure out.

It's rare I get sinus issues but when I did everything smells like a postage stamp or when you lick an envelope glue.

First time it happened I was looking around the whole house for the smell and your right the taste.

My family thought I was nuts. We did have two senior dogs when it would happen. Dogs have moved on and the sinus issue gone as well.
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Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, and ignore this response if it's totally irrelevant, you'll see what I mean

This sounds seriously like you suffer from migraine, chemical allergies don't typically cause headaches, you would be getting itchiness, rash, blocked nose, difficulty breathing, swelling eyes etc... not normally headaches, serious allergy and chronic migraine both run in my family

migraines can be triggered by sense of smell (or any sensory input depending on the person), so smelling a strong smell could be triggering a migraine. Migraines can also cause 'smell hallucinations' so they can cause you to smell things that are not there

Migraine symptom patterns run in families, if your farther also gets a headache from this, it could be he has the same triggers, migraines can also cause a whole host of symptoms other than headaches

maybe if you can, this would be a good question to ask a doctor about
Air purifiers can emit Ozone which has a very particular smell. PCs move a ton of air through themselves throughout the day which makes me think that its occasionally unsettling something in the room. I wonder if whatever is causing the smell is settling in your case on the parts and is being heated by the load of the parts, or something to do with the increased air temperature in the case causing it to amplify the smell to the point that you think its coming from the PC rather than somewhere else. This or the migraine post above seems most likely, in my opinion. This is certainly an interesting issue...
I am working on building an air tight cabinet for my 3d printers
How much heat is emitted by the 3D printers. Ditto for the computer if you install it in the same cabinet. Fitting a sizeable heat source in an airtight box is asking for overheating problems.

I knew someone with 4 cats. The cats liked to sit on top of warm computers in winter and one of them was incontinent. Need I say more...?