Question PCSPECIALIST computer, needs upgrading

Oct 28, 2017
I use lightroom and Photoshop and other editing software and the pc over the past year has started to slow the more advanced the software is getting. So the question is what are my best options to upgrade on the pc below.

PCSPECIALIST Tornado A5X Gaming PC - AMD Ryzen 5, RX 6600 XT, 2 TB HDD & 512 GB SSD

is that it?

Supposedly has a Ryzen 5 3600X CPU, introduced 4 or 5 years ago.

AM4 socket. I don't know how strong a CPU you could simply drop in on the same board.

I don't know if you want to stay with AMD or not.

Passmark benchmark scores for your CPU:

Single thread; 2655

Multi thread; 18223

For comparison purposes: recent mid-level Intel CPUs score from about 3500 on up for single thread and 25000 on up for multi thread.

We don't know what you can spend nor do we know if you just want to change the CPU and nothing else.

Are you satisfied that your hardware and software and Windows installation are all in good working order?

Pre-built computers like yours are not known to be easily upgraded. You could face more problems than you might expect.

is that it?

Supposedly has a Ryzen 5 3600X CPU, introduced 4 or 5 years ago.

AM4 socket. I don't know how strong a CPU you could simply drop in on the same board.

I don't know if you want to stay with AMD or not.

Passmark benchmark scores for your CPU:

Single thread; 2655

Multi thread; 18223

For comparison purposes: recent mid-level Intel CPUs score from about 3500 on up for single thread and 25000 on up for multi thread.

We don't know what you can spend nor do we know if you just want to change the CPU and nothing else.

Are you satisfied that your hardware and software and Windows installation are all in good working order?

Pre-built computers like yours are not known to be easily upgraded. You could face more problems than you might expect.
Sorry mate I haven't got a clue what you are saying. I know nothing about pc and I haven't got a money pit to change to much. I was just wondering if there is anything on the computer I can upgrade. No offence intended
Sorry mate I haven't got a clue what you are saying. I know nothing about pc and I haven't got a money pit to change to much. I was just wondering if there is anything on the computer I can upgrade. No offence intended

Sure there is stuff you can upgrade.

Whether it will help you out significantly is entirely another story.

How much improvement would you expect? The old "bang for the buck" thing.

Best thing you can do is give the absolute top dollar you are willing to spend without buying a complete new PC.

That might be 100 pounds or 300 pounds. You tell us.

Someone here will know IF, I say IF, there are stronger CPUs that you can use with the same motherboard.

I do not know, but someone who knows AMD processors like yours will know.

If you had to replace the motherboard to advance very far, you might be better off financially by selling it all off for one price and using the proceeds to buy a new PC.

It may be that you can't add a much stronger processor. Then you'd be limited to replacing other parts.

Is your SSD getting full?

You seem to be complaining about the PC slowing recently. It could be that some of your parts are failing outright. We don't know due to lack of detail.

Your PC may have a proprietary (non-standard) motherboard, which may limit how much you could upgrade the CPU.

Can you describe your problems in considerably more detail? You might (?) not need an upgrade.

It would be a shame to simply start throwing money at your PC without further detail.
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Hello Barry i have 3 custom built pc made by pc specialists , i would suggest you send them an email from the contact us on the site they will help you even if you dont have a service contract or the one you have/had has run out , all you need to do is put your order number in the subject line.

They also offer a remote access help as well , if you dont know how that works they send you an email link for you to activate the remote if you want them to have a look round your system , they have limited number of staff work as late as 9 pm.

FOOTNOTE .... DropParcelsDaily damaged one of my pc's so as i did not trust them to collect it to go back i took it myself , if you decide to do that then you must ring to tell them what time you expect to turn up.