Dear tom'shardware community,
I am a volunteer at a local free clinic and we have lots of patient files to input into the computer. So I am trying to figure out a better way to scan and save the files to increase the efficiency of our volunteering work. So when each patient come in to the clinic they will fill out a bunch of paper works, all the paper works goes in a numerical order, and I was wondering is there a trick or a particulat software that will allow me to save the 20 pages of paper work in one seting?
For example all the papers need to be titled Last name, First name_form type so with that the pages saved will look something like:
1st page: Doe, John_Patient Intake Form
2nd page: Doe, John_Cosent and Privacy
3rd page: Doe, John_Cosent to Treat...
I was thinking since all of the pages that we scan have a specific order to them, is there any thing that I can set up to were I enter the patien's name and have all the rest patient intak, cosent and privacy, consent to treat in a templet. So I can export the pdfs it will have the corrispongind name attached or when I scan and save the 20 page pdf will be split in to 20 individual pdf with the correstponding names_form type.
I am a volunteer at a local free clinic and we have lots of patient files to input into the computer. So I am trying to figure out a better way to scan and save the files to increase the efficiency of our volunteering work. So when each patient come in to the clinic they will fill out a bunch of paper works, all the paper works goes in a numerical order, and I was wondering is there a trick or a particulat software that will allow me to save the 20 pages of paper work in one seting?
For example all the papers need to be titled Last name, First name_form type so with that the pages saved will look something like:
1st page: Doe, John_Patient Intake Form
2nd page: Doe, John_Cosent and Privacy
3rd page: Doe, John_Cosent to Treat...
I was thinking since all of the pages that we scan have a specific order to them, is there any thing that I can set up to were I enter the patien's name and have all the rest patient intak, cosent and privacy, consent to treat in a templet. So I can export the pdfs it will have the corrispongind name attached or when I scan and save the 20 page pdf will be split in to 20 individual pdf with the correstponding names_form type.