I would get an i5 as it can play all games at high-ultra when paired up with a good end gpu.And 4690k is really a high end one.And you can even overclock it to a good extent with a liquid cooling.It is best to go with i5 rather than pentium as you need to upgrade your cpu after 1-2 years.So better get an i5 and use your hd 4600 graphics.and dont forget to increase the memory of your hd 4600 graphics by sharing some memory from ram in the bios menu.And just take your time to save some money and get a good end gpu.The best one for the price are
GT 630 (low end card) HD 6670 (low end card)
GTX 650 (low-mid end card) HD 7770 (low-mid end card)
GTX 660 (mid end card) R9 260x (mid end card)
GTX 660ti (high end card) R9 270x (high end card)...