Pentium G640 upgrade


May 6, 2017
This is my 1st time here. Thanks in advance for your advice

I have a few years old computer with nVIDIA GeForce GT730 4GB GDDR5 128Bit that I want to give a bit more speed to play games like Cities Skylines. I can play the game now but with low details only.
Would that help to change my CPU to i5 or i7 with RAM upgraded from 6 to 8 GB?

My computer specs:
You should get 8gb ram actually. It's the minimum for smooth gaming these days.
Get a used i5-2500.
No use in getting the K model if you really don't wanna overclock.
Then pair it with a decent gpu like the GTX 1050 Ti 4gb.
Disclaimer: I make no guarantees.

You could put in there a CPU like an i5 2500k (120 pound at amazon) or the newer version i5 3570k. I don't know which country you are in, the prices could be different. In the UK, the 3570k are currently super expensive on Amazon. Probably since very few new ones remain. At this price point (300 pounds!), its cheaper to buy a new mobo with a new CPU. But Sandy and Ivy bridge CPU's should, I think, (you should check too to be sure) fit in your Mobo soket. So choose a decent version of them that is cheap in your country.

Buying something a GTX 1050ti would also be nice.

Not 100% sure your Power supply will be able to handle it all though. So maybe just a GTX 1050? Or a new PSU? (That's why most people recommend building a new PC, rather than buying a desktop).

I don't think its necessary yet to got from 6 to 8 GB.
You should get 8gb ram actually. It's the minimum for smooth gaming these days.
Get a used i5-2500.
No use in getting the K model if you really don't wanna overclock.
Then pair it with a decent gpu like the GTX 1050 Ti 4gb.
depending on his ram sticks and Mobo, adding 2gb could not be that much of an issue. But I still maintain that 6GB is still enough for all (maybe with one or two exceptions) games that are not going to be bottle-necked by the 1050ti and the 2500.

Also, you are right, the k model is not necessary unless he wants to OC. But they seem to be easier to find and the price difference seems to be minute. Anyway, which ever one you find, locked or unlocked, Sandy or Ivy, they are generally fairly comparable, and a big step up from your CPU.
Yes but i still recommend 8gb ram.
For example, consider a game like Rise of Tomb Raider.
The game will run fine on a i5 2500 + gtx1050ti but will be severely limited just by the fact that ram is 6gb. The user makes it 8gb, and there you go, smooth gameplay.
1333mhz is cheap anyway. And that's the highest that a Sandy Bridge CPU supports. OP should get 2gb more. I don't see a problem.