Gadhar :
"Quad-core CPUs are installed in more than two-thirds of surveyed systems (70%, to be exact)." That is the reason the game is optimized for fewer cores.
I know...
My point is just that in the article they suggest that the game only utilizing 4 cores is a good thing for *low end* CPUs.
The term "low end" and the term "quad core" might overlap, but they're not identical...
Those 30% of processors that do not have 4 cores include a lot of low end CPUs, some of them might actually have the potential throughput to handle this game if all of their cores are permitted to help out.
They choose not to do so, for better and worse.
They've already gone with some multi-threading so a bit of the overhead involved with that is already there...
The difference between making the game n-threaded instead of 4-threaded wouldn't have been *that* great...
And as long as they'd use a quad core as reference system to test how much resource they can afford using it would still run just fine on a quad core.
All while *also* have some benefit for those of us with more cores.
Thankfully I'm on a modern R7 1700 now so it's not a major issue anymore for me.
But back in the day when I was on a FX 8350 it was a pain to run games from WarGaming.
They'd only use 4 of the 8 cores, just the right number to *really* trigger the the turbo of my CPU making it hotter then when running pretty much anything else.
Each module running as fast as it could go both in frequency and single-threaded performance.
It ran, but it ran tosty on my system...
I never felt comfortable with playing their games for that reason...