performance boost help


Jul 28, 2016
Good day to everyone reading this , so i need help , and badly , i`ve been busting my head against this problem for a long time now , and hope someone here can help me .
I have a self built pc and it`s been working well for a while now , but since 2 months ago i`ve started experiencing some random frame rate drops in games , and the problem has only gotten worse since then.
so let`s take for example the new game dark souls 3 since is one of my favorites , when the game released i layed and cleared it 3 times no problems , then suddenly i started having random frame drops , for example from 50 to 12 then back to normal after a few seconds , and this is happening no matter the graphics quality i try and use , either max or low the result is the same , game starts running smooth , then randomly frame rate drops , the frame rate drops even if i`m standing still and not doing any action in game .
my specs are the following AMD fx8320E cpu, gtx 970 gpu, 8gb of ddr3 (2x 4gb), in a win10 x64 os, i can make a video and upload it if anyone is interested of the problem .
so here is me hoping someone here has a idea how ca i trace the problem and we can fix it toghether
It's just dark souls 3 from what I can tell, my specs are the same except for my i5 4690k and it happens to me. After patches for DS3 they usually mess something up that gives some people problems. Make sure this only happens in DS3.