Performance Decrease with HD 6970 crossfire


Jul 11, 2013
I put in a second Radeon HD 6970 same exact cards as the one I already owned. I was getting around 130-200 fps with the single card in both the games that I play. When I installed the second card and started running them in crossfire my praphics performace dropped majorly. I am running an Intel Core i7 3820 3.6 ghz processor on an DX79TO mobo. With 16 gigs of corsair vengeance ram. Along with a 520 series SSD. I have no idea why my performance dropped. I was getting 150-200 fps on max setting but in the same area after crossfire I was getting like 50 fps at most. I read that when I installed the new card that windows downloaded its version of the amd drivers but they are usually not the best ones so I need to uninstall the drivers and reinstall the ones from the AMD site. Please help
I do a lot of video rendering as well just havent done much recently. Also the card was given to me by a friend. Thank you for the quick reply and link to the new drivers
I ran each card individually and checked their clock speeds both running at the same exact everything and got the same framerate out of both. turn out it was just the area I was in. Its weird though because ill be running along in the game and the game is really smooth but I will be getting 230 fps in one spot but 43 in the next. Also while in crossfire my windows index rating decreased which I thought was weird