Performance difference Between i7 820QM & i7 920XM


Dec 17, 2009
i7 820QM & i7 920XM

This is just a simple question. Will i see much of a performance boost for the huge gap in cost? I mostly game but sometime need to run VM for class.

The thread you have is asking about do desktop core i7 920 and laptop I7-820qm cpus use the same socket. That would be no.

In this thread, these cpus are using the same socket as these are both mobile cpus. There a 920 for both desktops and laptops. Now to tell the difference between the 2 is looking for letters like qm at the end.

Core i7 desktop cpus, dont have lettering at the end except for the upcoming core i7 980x. Example: core i7 920

Mobile core i7 cpu have lettering the end. They'll nomally have the letter M in it meaning moblie. example: i7 820QM & i7 920XM

Hope this clears some things up. :)