Permanent Black Screen After Installing Graphics Card Drivers

Taken Username

Nov 6, 2015
I've been having a lot of issues with my computer lately. Due to my hard drive going bad, I purchased a brand new 4tb hard drive. I then installed windows 7, and went to install necessary drivers. Everything works fine until I install my graphics card drivers. I have an AMD Radeon 7900 Series Graphics card. I've tried installing the drivers through the direct download, and the AMD Driver detecter. Both of which give me a permanent black screen that forces me to reinstall windows. I would be very grateful for any help. I've let the black screen sit for hours, but to no prevail it never changes.
on reinstall make sure you install intel or amd chipset drivers first. if you have a newish intel mb with the ipgpu depending on your bios settings the mb can fall over to the onboard gpu. if you have an intel mb make sure priamny display set to peg/pci. and multi monitor support is on. if your mb is new the newer mb and intel chipset dont work with windows 7. there no chipset drivers for those newer mb.

Thank you for the answer. I'm fairly new to computers, and I must ask what a chipset driver is? I have all AMD, so where could I find the AMD chipset drivers?