Through many months, I kept raging at League of Legends and CS:GO (don't ask), little punches at my desk would make me calm, but if I got really pissed, I would give my desk a big one, usually causing the PC and the sound to freeze. The only fix is to fully close the pc by holding the power button. This happened a lot. The worst was when I did this 3 times in the same day, and even the slightest of touches to the desk would cause a freeze. By some black magic, the issue resolves itself, and I can touch my desk again without any freeze, also little smashes won't cause a freeze at the time of writing this. Details: My operating system is on the ssd, and the games are kept separate on the hardisk. Also my rig is kept on the desk, not bellow, right next to the monitor.
Could this cause permanent damage to my ssd? By this I mean could it become slower, or in the worst case, die?
Could this cause permanent damage to my ssd? By this I mean could it become slower, or in the worst case, die?