Question Persistent PC beeping issue after upgrading to an RX 5600 XT ?

Feb 23, 2024
Hello everyone! I find myself in a frustrating situation and could really use some help. I recently acquired an older PC from my brother after he upgraded.

Here are the specs:
Motherboard: Intel DH77KC
RAM: 16 GB
CPU: Intel Core i7 3770K
PSU: 550W

A friend suggested I upgrade the graphics card to an RX 5600 XT, which I did.
Initially, everything worked smoothly for about two weeks. However, one day after playing some games, it worked fine, but when I tried turning on the PC the next day, it started beeping in a pattern of two beeps, a pause, then two more beeps, with no display at all.

In an attempt to troubleshoot, I tried installing the RX 5600 XT into another PC I have, which has a 650W PSU and a Gigabyte Z77-DS3H motherboard, but unfortunately, it didn't work there either. Surprisingly, when I reinstalled the RX 5600 XT back into my original PC last night, it worked fine again. I even played a game without any issues. I made sure to restart the PC multiple times and completely power it off to ensure if it worked, which it did. However, this morning, the problem resurfaced, and my PC won't turn on again, accompanied by the same beeping pattern.

I've exhausted several troubleshooting steps, including updating the BIOS, reinstalling Windows, switching to UEFI boot, removing and reseating the RAM, and replacing the CMOS battery. I even took the graphics card to a shop where it worked flawlessly on another motherboard. Additionally, I tested another graphics card (RX 590) in my system, and it worked without any problems.

Does anyone have any insights into what might be causing this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated


Dec 28, 2014
the BIOS beep code:
Type: Video Error
Pattern: On-off (1.0 second each) two times, then. 2.5-second pause (off), entire pattern repeats. (beeps and pause) once and the BIOS will continue to boot.
Frequency: 932 Hz, When no VGA option ROM is found.

Your motherboard is telling you it isn't finding a video signal, and given it showed the same behavior in another PC, I'd return the GPU and get another one.