PG27AQ : 4K question


Dec 30, 2015
Hi all,

I have just recently acquired a 4k screen. Initially I was very dissapointed because I found that games and even Steam start up appeared in some strange resolution and certainly not 4k. I realised through just trial and error that when you set the scaling of Windows to anything more than 100% this problem occurred. When I set it to 100% radically the games I was playing looked unreal and even Steam startup changed to much sharper.
The thing is leaving the desktop at 100% is very trying on the eyes. Is this normal or am I missing a trick. I don't understand why at above 100% scaling the resolution this degradation happens.
As one example I can give playing fallout 4 the resolution dropdown has no options available if the game is started with windows scaling at the recommended 150%. When I put it back to 100% and restart the resolution dropdown appears and 4k is selectable. And it definetly looks it when game is started.

Hope someone can shed some light on this cause right now solution is when in desktop i scale to 150% but before I game i will change it to 100% and then start game. Games that rely on windows scaling have a very miniature cursor so not great.


By buying a UHD display, you need to sit 4x closer than you would from a 1080p FHD (or at least 2x). If you don't, then you don't see all the extra information in the signal, small details will simply be too small. And text will of course follow along and become 4x smaller. Scaling on an LCD can't be done without losing detail, impossible. As soon as you lose 1:1 pixel mapping, you introduce a blur, and the result because it's not native, can never look as good as native. There's a huge misconception floating around, that people use basic math to get 1:4 mapping on an UHD display when scaling, which is obviously completely false. Windows scaling is different, but as long as you lose 1:1 pixel mapping, you introduce a blur, that's the...
By buying a UHD display, you need to sit 4x closer than you would from a 1080p FHD (or at least 2x). If you don't, then you don't see all the extra information in the signal, small details will simply be too small. And text will of course follow along and become 4x smaller. Scaling on an LCD can't be done without losing detail, impossible. As soon as you lose 1:1 pixel mapping, you introduce a blur, and the result because it's not native, can never look as good as native. There's a huge misconception floating around, that people use basic math to get 1:4 mapping on an UHD display when scaling, which is obviously completely false. Windows scaling is different, but as long as you lose 1:1 pixel mapping, you introduce a blur, that's the point I'm trying to make. And just to clarify, if you have a 27" FHD and UHD display, you need to sit 4x closer than you would from the FHD, in order for objects on screen to appear the same size as FHD. Introducing scaling is never the way to go.

All the best!