Phanteks GTX 1080/1070 Asus Strix Edition Size?


May 2, 2017
Does the Phanteks GTX 1080/1070 Asus Strix Edition RGB GPU Block cover the entire graphics card? It looks a lot shorter than the other versions.

They don't have that RGB XD And the fans I picked don't have rgb cause it may be too flashy, so I just want the main components to have rgb.

Also, Thanks for answering all my questions. I am planning to build a custom loop in the summer. I just don't understand all these extra things required for a custom loop.
Trust me, don't go too heavy into RGB, I have an RGB LED strip on my case and even though I keep it on static purple most of the time, it annoys the heck out of me sometimes I must say.
Just going for minimalist builds from here on out since i've finally had a taste of RGB. T.T
Starts to look pretty tacky after a while I must say.