Yes. Once you remove the cooler the PCB is smaller, the cooler for the Strix cards is just very long.
Why not go for an EK setup?
They don't have that RGB XD And the fans I picked don't have rgb cause it may be too flashy, so I just want the main components to have rgb.
Also, Thanks for answering all my questions. I am planning to build a custom loop in the summer. I just don't understand all these extra things required for a custom loop.
Trust me, don't go too heavy into RGB, I have an RGB LED strip on my case and even though I keep it on static purple most of the time, it annoys the heck out of me sometimes I must say.
Just going for minimalist builds from here on out since i've finally had a taste of RGB. T.T
Starts to look pretty tacky after a while I must say.