Phenom II x4 965 Black Edition vs FX-4300 3.8GHz

If the price diff between the 965 and the fx4300 is large enough(20-30 bucks) then it may make more sense to get the 965. Its only a little bit slower than the FX and still is a good CPU. I'm using an x4 970 myself paired with a 6970 and everything runs smooth not many bottlenecks really.
The Fx is only like 5% faster and isnt even a real quad core like the 965.

I just want to know which one that I said was better, I didn't want any recommendations since I am on a budget build. 🙁

Can't I stick with the 965 because it's cheaper and it's compatible with the mobo I have?

Becasue when I switch it with the fx 4300 this message appears: Some AMD 970 chipset motherboards may need a BIOS update prior to using Vishera CPUs

What motherboard make and model do you have?
If the price diff between the 965 and the fx4300 is large enough(20-30 bucks) then it may make more sense to get the 965. Its only a little bit slower than the FX and still is a good CPU. I'm using an x4 970 myself paired with a 6970 and everything runs smooth not many bottlenecks really.
The Fx is only like 5% faster and isnt even a real quad core like the 965.