Phenom II X6 1090t - Upgrading Video Card & SSD


Mar 22, 2012
I've got a couple year old system running a Phenom II X6 1090 with a pair of Radeon HD 6870 GPU's. My mobo has a couple PCI 2.0 slots (1st at 16x, 2nd at 4x). Since I added the second GPU I have noticed little to no performance increase which I have since read is a common issue with AMD as well as my second slot probably hampering performance since it's only a 4x slot.

I'm going to add an SSD and install my OS and a game or two on it. My current HDD is a 3.0GB/s drive.
Also, I'm going to upgrade to a single GPU, probably a GTX 760 or 770. If I got the 770 I would probably SLI later when I convert over to Intel in about a year. If I got a 760 I'd just keep it for a year and then upgrade to a better card when I upgraded the rest of my system.

My question is whether I'll bottleneck my CPU capabilities with a 760 or can I push to a 770?

Also, will the SSD help as well or will I really notice difference in gaming?