Philips Axes 3D Display Division

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The use of autostereoscopic displays in the home are years away anyway. The price point is too high and the support is too little. Plus absolutely no standard (at least three different technologies right now. Well, make that two.) Passive polarized displays will hit first in homes. Shutter glasses technology might work for gaming but there's no way I'll sit through a whole movie with those clunky things on.
To ammend my above statement, I meant three different autostereoscopic (no glasses) technologies. With Phillips' WOWvx gone it leaves lenticular and parallax-barrier as the remaining two. Passive (polarized) and active(shutter glasses) are the two leading standards in stereoscopic (glasses) technology.
I saw some 3D displays @ Siggraph and, honestly, Philip's was the worst of the bunch. It had some weird "stepping" along the horizontal axis that the others did not have and also seemed to be of a lower pixel count. But man, they were all very impressive!
the market and economy is really bad to start investing there!
But hopefully things will get better once the house crisis passes,and the carsales start rolling again.

Unfortunately for some reason we're no longer in the '80's,where there was sufficient money to spend on perfection.
There's barely enough money to spend on the basics, so many people will probably still have a regular TV in their rooms for the coming 5 to 10 years.
I still don't know why I want to watch TV in 3D. I think the only uses for me for this tech is gaming?

The only reason why this would be useful is if I'm actually in it and not just 3D figures because I rather have a higher resolution 2D image than a same resolution 3D image.
(arrgh ... curse ...*@#$%)

When are Toshiba, Samsung, Philip's, Sony going to pull their head out of their arse, and just forge ahead with 1440p SED TV's !! It was scheduled to be released in 2007 for Pete's SAKE !!

The market is their - just let it stabilize, give it 18 months, do some more R&D, make some deals with Hollywood's Production studios to film at 1440p, and then Time Warner, Cox, and Comcast to offer UHD (ultra high-def), and set up the sufficient bandwidth cabling network

3D still has a long way to go to be watchable daily. I, personally, have no desire to put on glasses at home. I say we're at least 5-10 years away from autostereoscopic HDTV that doesn't have dead zones/stepping.

Well i prefer the old fashion way but with the iz3d drivers u can use polarized no just red/cyan glasses...
3D films are gaining popularity again. We'll have more 3D films in this year and last year than we have in at least the last decade. And it's getting a lot better. Far from perfect but it's getting there.
[citation][nom]joeman42[/nom]Has 3D ever succeeded at any level? Displays, glasses, theatrical films have all tanked commercially.[/citation]
Are you madd?! 3d theatrical films are selling like crazy! RealD setups are almost mandatory in most cinemas now. They are selling so well, the studios are pushing more 3d movies this year than ever before. Nvidia's 3d platform is a hot seller. Many people are very anxious for this tech to develop, including myself. Samsung are releaseing 3D ready plasmas, DLP projectors and TV's are moving ahead with 3D. The market is there. I personally wish for 240hz displays that can handle no-judder 24 film content in 3d AND 120hz gaming in 3d. I probably won't buy a TV until it supports all these features. I don't mind light weight shutter glasses. I don't think auto-stereo will ever be satisfactory for home theater, viewing angles will never be sufficient.
I'm with hix on this one. Granted the decline of DLP in favor of LCD made things trickier for the HD home theater dept as very few LCD HDTV's are fast enough to work with nvida's solution. But that doesn't mean a ton of us aren't drooling at the idea. 😉
yawn. Who cares - besides theaters, who want you in their seats and at home in your own...
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