Question Philips M2x3.0 Screw stripped and I can't remove the laptop's heatsink. Please help


Nov 27, 2014
I tried with rubber, it doesn't work,
I tried with 2 kinds of instant glue, it doesn't work 🙁 Would I really never be able to change my thermal paste


Get a Dremel or something that can get through metal and make a notch so you can fit a flathead screwdriver to take that screw out.

I would just make sure to lay down some protection on the motherboard to catch the small metal pieces and make 100% sure all the waste is removed from the board before you reinstall everything and power up.
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Get a Dremel or something that can get through metal and make a notch so you can fit a flathead screwdriver to take that screw out.

I would just make sure to lay down some protection on the motherboard to catch the small metal pieces and make 100% sure all the waste is removed from the board before you reinstall everything and power up.

Okay thanks, will try to see if I can find a dremel
If you can't find a Dremel or don't want to cut and risk the metal debris, get some JB Weld and a spare screw driver bit you don't care about anymore. Mix up the JB Weld, put a small amount on the screw and put the screw driver bit in and let everything set for a few hours. Attach to a screwdriver handle and it should be enough to come out if the JB Weld cures correctly.

It's the same idea as the instant glue but JB Weld is FAR stronger.