Interesting, but as a consumer (and photographer) who likes all my images on one drive and backed up to other single drives, I would like 8TB drives to be cheaper (as expected for years now) and by now, for 12 and 16 TB drives to be available and even common. Right now, I'm filling 6.3 TB on my 8TB main data (PCIs 4 M.2) drive on my PC Motherboard. I am backing up to 8TB internal and external SATA SSDs. No spinners in my life now and absolutely no RAID or any type of stack or array. No way.... I want single drives with it all on there - main and backups.
I would buy five 10TB PCIE 4 M.2 SSDs right now if I could, and I would expect them to be around 400 bucks each by now.
But I guess I'm still dreaming.