Pick Your Parts With OCZ's Do-it-yourself Gaming Notebook

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Aug 26, 2008
kudos to OCZ for a preemptive strike..

not that vista is all that bad, but being forced
to have it on almost all the new configs is cheese-grating..
? $640 for a crappy 15 inch with a crappy 8600M Video? Then you have to get your own CPU memory hard drive etc. By the time you get done it will have cost $1200 or so. No thanks I think I will stick with my P6831FX which smokes this and was $1200....
Calling a Laptop with an 18 month old (that's almost 3 Generations of GPUs) 8600GT a gaming laptop is outright lying. The 8600GT was a mid-range card when it was released during the dark ages. Well, but since some companies get away with calling 8400GS gaming cards, a 8600 GT should certify for a "high end" sticker.
I'm disgusted.
A 8600 is not a gaming card. A Laptop with a 8600GT is not a gaming laptop.

In some countries people get their tongues cut out for lying. In others people get a paycheck for it.
A 8600 is not a gaming card. A Laptop with a 8600GT is not a gaming laptop.

In those countries, I don't think they care so much about what is or isn't a gaming laptop. An 8600M GT would be a luxury.

That being said, this OCZ kit isn't news.
Seems like somebody is trying to dump those bad Nvidia GPU's all of a sudden...

Custom laptops have been available for order for years, this is nothing new. But I'll be buying my next laptop only after Nvidia gets their act together.
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