Picking a "light gaming" laptop

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Feb 22, 2014
Hello. I would like to buy a laptop that can handle games such as CSGO, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, maybe a little bit of witcher 3, all on the lowest video settings possible, but with decent to good fps.
(CSGO +120fps at least. Its a must here 😀. The others could stick to 60-80fps)
Before you do your magic on googling stuff, i would like to say that i dont want to buy from outside my country. The warranty is a really important thing when it comes to laptops for me.
If you have the time, please take a look on this particular website that is in other language but english-friendly whatsoever. (googletranslate is also good i suppose)

I already selected the laptops that have a dedicated GPU.
I dislike anything that is not DELL, ASUS, mhm maybe Lenovo, but wouldnt go for it honestly.
The Budget should be somewhere around $500 (2.000 RON -currency used on website)
I have to agree with above poster, for $500 dollars you are not going to get a whole lot of gaming power in a laptop. The cheapest laptops that sometimes has some dedicated GPU and a little power is Acers, and those are cheap for a reason.

Either get a desktop for 500$ that can do what you want or you don't game. No laptop at that price point (except for maybe a used one from some gens ago but then you'll have to be very lucky) can do that especially those brands don't have any laptop for that price.

i already have a desktop with a GTX 750 Ti 2gb GDDR5 and i3-4170 3.7ghz... i wanted a laptop because i wanted to be able to travel with it from hometown to college weekly...
oh well... summer is coming anyway...
thanks for response :)

Time to get a job and get some money then 😛. Once you go to about 900$ you can get one of those gtx 1050 + quad core i5 laptops and those are good and capable of gaming.
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