Picking Mouse Pad


Dec 24, 2013
Put simply, I'm looking for a new mouse pad as the one that came with my ROG GX1000 Mouse was lost. Don't ask how, but that behemoth got lost.

So now I turn to the experts; you guys. What should I look for in a new mouse pad? Recommendations are always appreciated as well.

I wouldnt be concerned about the "performance" of a mousepad. Different kinds will advertise different strengths as if that make that much of a difference (see Razer Goliathus control and speed edition). Its really just a difference in texture when your hand is touching it, no doubt you will change your DPI and mouse settings to what feels right anyway.
There is an exception with optical mice, for that you want a blank or not very contrasting art mousepad. If the mousepad were say, black and white lines, that would properly mess with the sensor. Laser doesnt have this problem.

I personally use a Razer Goliathus Control edition, its the first mousepad I have ever really used for a long period of time so I cant compare it to super...
I'm in the "it's just a mouse pad so any kind should do" camp, but I know that there's a niche of people who obsess about any small thing.
I figure there might be more than meets the eye when it comes to mouse pads.

Just out of curiosity though, how do you like a wrist rest?

I'd say it comforts me. Since I'm not a doctor I couldn't say how much the rest actually protects your hand but it does keep me comfortable.

Well I've come across 'decorative' or promotional kinds of mouse pads, which actually don't seem to work too well because of odd textures which aren't the best to travel across or perhaps for the sensor to read. Basically don't go for form over function I'm saying. If you get one, make sure it's designed for good mouse use first.
I wouldnt be concerned about the "performance" of a mousepad. Different kinds will advertise different strengths as if that make that much of a difference (see Razer Goliathus control and speed edition). Its really just a difference in texture when your hand is touching it, no doubt you will change your DPI and mouse settings to what feels right anyway.
There is an exception with optical mice, for that you want a blank or not very contrasting art mousepad. If the mousepad were say, black and white lines, that would properly mess with the sensor. Laser doesnt have this problem.

I personally use a Razer Goliathus Control edition, its the first mousepad I have ever really used for a long period of time so I cant compare it to super expensive or cheap-o office mousepads, but I find it to be pretty good.

IMO, get whatever you like the feel of and has art on it that you like. Quality is also a concern though as poor mousepads can fray, so check up on some reviews if applicable.
Thank you both for your answers. I'm intrigued by the idea of a wrist rest, as it's always been one of those things that I've felt I don't need. But if it's more comfortable, I may give it a try. I feel it could help me palm my mouse better, as my mouse doesn't fit my normal "claw" grip very well.

I was looking at the Razer Goliathus pads as well, but I can't say I'm a fan of the giant logo covering it. Basically I'll just get one with a design I like after affirming that it in-fact won't fray or anything. With 8200 DPI, I'm sure I can find the right settings for any mouse pad.

I once had a cheap mouse pad that, after 4-5 years of moving a mouse across it constantly, started to get a weird grim that could be scrapped off. Nothing ever got on it, so I found that odd.

Anyway - I'm off to pick a mouse pad out. Thank you again.