I can't decide what motherboard to get with all the mix reviews I've been reading. My budget is somewhere in the $200-$240 with shipping and tax included but if a great mobo comes below then its welcome as well.
Ive been deciding on whether to get the MSI z87 Mpower or Asus Maximus VI Hero. I prefer the MSI because for me its got a better look.(Real sucker for color schemes....my bad) But Ive been reading that MSI has got bad reputation, Im from the Philippines and I can't shake the feeling of getting a DOA product. Gigabytes on the other hand have bad BIOS software. Can someone help me?
Intel Core i5-4670k
Evga GTX 770 w/ACX
Cooler Master storm stryker
Corsair Vengeance 8 gb(2x4gb)
Raidmax 1000AE (It was on sale for $70 so I took it. Dont hate.
Corsair k95 mechanical keyboard
Razer Mamba
Note: Also I'm planning to overclock, run SLI and upgrade rams here and there in the next few years. But I don't want to change the Mobo in the long run due to cost reasons. I want it future proof.
Ive been deciding on whether to get the MSI z87 Mpower or Asus Maximus VI Hero. I prefer the MSI because for me its got a better look.(Real sucker for color schemes....my bad) But Ive been reading that MSI has got bad reputation, Im from the Philippines and I can't shake the feeling of getting a DOA product. Gigabytes on the other hand have bad BIOS software. Can someone help me?
Intel Core i5-4670k
Evga GTX 770 w/ACX
Cooler Master storm stryker
Corsair Vengeance 8 gb(2x4gb)
Raidmax 1000AE (It was on sale for $70 so I took it. Dont hate.

Corsair k95 mechanical keyboard
Razer Mamba
Note: Also I'm planning to overclock, run SLI and upgrade rams here and there in the next few years. But I don't want to change the Mobo in the long run due to cost reasons. I want it future proof.