Picking Video Card on PC Build


Feb 9, 2015
I am currenly building a PC and these are the parts:

My goal is to get a GPU that runs 60+ FPS and is on the "high end side" of GPUs. I also want popular manufacturers if you are going to change some parts to make it less expensive.
I prefer ASUS GPUs but if any MSI or Gigabyte GPUs are better with a small price difference (-$150), I'll sure pick that one.
(Sorry if I'm fussy about PC Parts)

CPU: Intel Core i5 6500 $299
Motherboard: Asus B150 Pro Gaming/Aura $219
Graphics: Asus GeForce Strix GTX 960 4GB DC2 OC $333
Memory: Kingston Hyper X Fury 8GB (2x4GB) (2666MHz) (DDR4) $85
HDD: Seagate 2TB Barracuda $99
PSU: Cooler Master B2 Series 600W 80+ $95
Case: Corsair Carbide Series 100R $75
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-Bit OEM $159

My Budget is around $1500-$1600 AUD

Is this a good PC Build for 60+ FPS (sometimes 40-50) on Ultra/Max Settings?
Do I need more Watts?
I also want to make my PC look expensive with the namebrand and higher-end side
CPUs, Motherboards, RAM and Graphics Card.

If this cannot run 60+ FPS, what GPU do you recommend? Right now I'm going with the Asus GeForce Strix GTX 960 4GB, I'm pretty sure that's good enough, especially if it's ASUS, a 950+ GPU and also that is has more than 2 GB. I prefer Nvidia 900 Series and no AMD Graphics Cards. (Because Nvidia is more popular and is going to make my PC Build look nice and expensive.)

*EDIT* I might just even get this Asus GeForce GTX 970 Turbo 4GB it is $142 more expensive but is it worth it? It looks like it performs better too.

*EDIT2* I'm gonna get a 970 GPU, Strix 4GB or Turbo 4GB?

Reply ASAP

Great build.
But i would get this motherboard - http://www.centrecom.com.au/gigabyte-h170-hd3-socket-lga1151-atx-motherboard-ddr4 - 158 on your preferred site.
I don't think 960 can run 60fps for demanding games at ultra setting at 1080p. You will need at least 970. and 16GB RAM might be helpful (at least for me)
SSD is very useful so you may wanna get one
FYI, Nvidia will announce new generation card in April.


What does the SSD do? Isn't it the same as a HDD? Is it faster? Will it make my game run faster?

Generally, it runs much faster than HDD, and quieter. It will make your game load faster (only if your game is installed on SSD). people usually install OS on SSD, and improve day-to-day performance.

Can you give any example of game? Every game has different requirement. For example, 960 cannot run The Division at fps 60 even at high setting, but it can run some "old" games perfectly.

Games that are popular like The Division, Fallout 4, GTAV, Far Cry 4, BO3, MGSV

The you will need at least a GTX 970. Even if 970 is more expensive, it is way better. This card has one of the best price/performance ratio now.
Go with a cheaper motherboard. Or go with a H170 one. B150 has 8 pci-e lane, h170 has 16.
As i see you prefer asus see the Asus H170 pro https://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-motherboard-h170pro .
Also see the MSI H170 gaming pro https://pcpartpicker.com/part/msi-motherboard-h170agamingpro .

Will that motherboard be able to support my Sennheiser PC 363D headset?
Also should I get a 16GB 2666MHz RAM?

I'd suggest you get a 970, at least, or wait for next generation.
Alright, I'm gonna save up a bit more for a 970, which one should I get?

Asus GeForce GTX 970 Strix 4GB or the Asus GeForce GTX 970 Turbo 4GB

also should I get a 16GB 2666MHz RAM?

Is Cooler Master B2 Series 600W 80+ enough to power everything?

If ASUS only, i will pick strix one. however, gigabyte G1 970 might be slightly better. Anyway, both are great card.

Yes those motherboards will support your headset as it uses standard connectivity.
And honestly i don't see any real gain on going super speed ram. Pick any DDR4 and you are good to go.
About the brand on 970, pick whichever is cheaper but is reputed brand like gigabyte, MSI, asus, evga etc.
The PSU is not that great but it can handle your system no problem.
This is my updated PC Build:

CPU: Intel Core i5 6500 $299
Motherboard: Asus B150 Pro Gaming/Aura $219
Graphics: Asus GeForce Strix GTX 970 4GB DC2 OC $509
Memory: Kingston Hyper X Fury 8GB (2x4GB) (2666MHz) (DDR4) $85
HDD: Seagate 2TB Barracuda $99
PSU: Cooler Master B2 Series 600W 80+ $95
Case: Corsair Carbide Series 100R $75
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-Bit OEM $159
Total: $1626

I got a bit more to save up to, but it will probably be worth it.

Thanks for the help everyone.


check this thread for PSU info
600W is plenty enough. Actually, 450~500W is enough for the build

Is my current PSU good in quality though? Since I do not want an unsafe PSU, I couldn't find it in the list.

If you can get one of these PSU -
Seasonic M12|| 520W - https://pcpartpicker.com/part/seasonic-power-supply-m12ii520bronze - $65
Seasonic S12|| 620W - https://pcpartpicker.com/part/seasonic-power-supply-s12ii620bronze - $59
**Antec TruePower Classic 750W - https://pcpartpicker.com/part/antec-power-supply-tp750c - $55 (great deal)**
Silverstone Strider Plus 600W - https://pcpartpicker.com/part/silverstone-power-supply-st60fpb - $80 (full modular)
XFX XTR 750W - https://pcpartpicker.com/part/xfx-power-supply-p1750bbefx - $90 (full modular)
These psu's are way better than the B2 600W.

I'm using the www.centrecom.com.au to build my PC because it has cheap prices, but it's got limited options for PSU. I'll try find one of those PSUs

*EDIT* Couldn't find any of the PSUs listed

For the Gigabyte G1 970, you meant this one yeah?

not this one

Consider one of these -
Antec High Current Gamer 620w - http://www.centrecom.com.au/antec-high-current-gamer-620w-semi-modular-80-bronze-power-supply (get this if you can, best one in price)
Silverstone Strider Essential 600W - http://www.centrecom.com.au/600w-silverstone-strider-essential-80-bronze-power-supply


They are both essentially the same card, with different name. See here - http://www.gigabyte.com/products/comparison/list.aspx?ck=3&pids=5209,5212
Get the one that is cheaper.
Final PC Build:

CPU: Intel Core i5 6500 $299
Motherboard: Asus B150 Pro Gaming/Aura $219
Graphics: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 970 4GB G1 Gaming Edition Graphics Card $519
Memory: Kingston Hyper X Fury 8GB (2x4GB) (2666MHz) (DDR4) $85
HDD: Seagate 2TB Barracuda $99
PSU: Antec High Current Gamer 620w Semi-Modular 80+ Bronze Power Supply $125
Case: Corsair Carbide Series 100R $75
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-Bit OEM $159

Sub-Total: $1,666.50
Shipping: $22.50 (Star Track)
Payment Surcharge: $16.89
Total: $1705.89

Hope this PC is what I wanted.

Thanks for all the replies.