Question Picture on Welcome Screen never changes ?

Cpt Snake

Jan 20, 2022
For years, I would get a new picture everyday from MS at the startup screen where you enter your Pin Number. Then after the last update on March 16th, I no longer get a new picture. It's the same one everyday. How do I fix it? Thanks
Personalize your lock screen.
Set background to windows spotlight.

If you have de-bloated windows or turned off features, this will happen

O&O also shuts it off.

you can run a power shell script that will reregister everything and if that doesn’t fix it, you must’ve done something to your os

So if you’re a privacy freak, and you’ve shut off communication between applications and all that stuff and tweak to the OS, then you might have caused your own problems
Well, I don't know what's going on with the OS. I run Glary Utilities every day, sf/scannow weekly in the command mode, defrag every couple of weeks. Go figure computers. Thanks No big deal, just curious. Also, I have windows ten not eleven., so the fix won't help me. I found this following your lead. I'll try it later when I wake up.
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