Hey everyone, I recently bought an Alienware X51 with the following specs:
Intel Core i3 3.3GHz processor, NVIDIA GT 545 and 4GBs of RAM.
Since it's my birthday, I wanted to upgrade it to get more FPS and a better gaming experience. So I went to the computer shop and bought myself a nice 'Sapphire HD 7770 GHz Edition 1GB GDDR5'.
The shop owner told me I was going to need a better power supply so he offered to buy his new 'Thermaltake TR2 600W (TR2-600NL2NC)'
Today I started the process, I opened the X51 box, switched my NVIDIA GT545 for my 7770 and everything went fine. But when I started to switch the ports from my PC to those of the power supply, I couldn't find all of the ports so I tested a couple of combinations to make the pc run (the white light was open but no fan spinning) and I finally found a way to make it run smooth. The only problem I had is that the X51 boot up for 5 secs (Alienware splash screen A06 BIOS) and says he not detected any hard drive.
When I ran the ePSA Preboot System Assessement, it passed all the tests but the one with the Hard Drive. I'm stuck there for more than 6 hours and I wanted to get help here since all the stores are closed by now. I think that the X51 can't get to recognize any sata ports because in the BIOS settings, the 3 sata ports are 'not detected' even tho they are plugged in. I can add pictures if you need and any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks alot,
Intel Core i3 3.3GHz processor, NVIDIA GT 545 and 4GBs of RAM.
Since it's my birthday, I wanted to upgrade it to get more FPS and a better gaming experience. So I went to the computer shop and bought myself a nice 'Sapphire HD 7770 GHz Edition 1GB GDDR5'.

The shop owner told me I was going to need a better power supply so he offered to buy his new 'Thermaltake TR2 600W (TR2-600NL2NC)'
Today I started the process, I opened the X51 box, switched my NVIDIA GT545 for my 7770 and everything went fine. But when I started to switch the ports from my PC to those of the power supply, I couldn't find all of the ports so I tested a couple of combinations to make the pc run (the white light was open but no fan spinning) and I finally found a way to make it run smooth. The only problem I had is that the X51 boot up for 5 secs (Alienware splash screen A06 BIOS) and says he not detected any hard drive.
When I ran the ePSA Preboot System Assessement, it passed all the tests but the one with the Hard Drive. I'm stuck there for more than 6 hours and I wanted to get help here since all the stores are closed by now. I think that the X51 can't get to recognize any sata ports because in the BIOS settings, the 3 sata ports are 'not detected' even tho they are plugged in. I can add pictures if you need and any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks alot,