Ping Spikes and Basically Just Internet Fluctuations


Dec 27, 2013
So basically for the longest time I've had these really bad what you might call internet fluctuations where say I'd be playing a game of some sort or be on teamspeak and basically it would be like a lag spike. Everyone on the channel in teamspeak would like go quiet, and say i was playing minecraft that day it would be like I got disconnected for a second. When everything came back I would usually have the worst ping ever and it gets quite annoying when it happens every 2 minutes or so. It's sort of like internet instability. Also, I have ATT DSL 2.5 down, and like .5 up. I know this isn't the best but i'm sure I could get something better out of what i can get. This is the only internet I can get here and i'd love to be actually able to play games and talk to my friends without these interruptions all the time.
Thanks- Jake

As a troubleshooting step you could try taking the vizio router out of the loop. I've had to replace routers in the past because of performance issues.
Do you have any other devices at home you can test the ISP service with? That would help determine whether the problem is the internet service or your PC. If you suspect a problem with your DSL service call AT&T service to have them run tests from their end.
First you must be sure to test this on a wired connection wireless is too unpredictable to be able to actually fix problems like this.

With only .5 up you must be very careful you do not have anything else running beside the applications you really want to use. You are best off running with just the one PC to be sure it is not traffic from other machines. You can tell from the resource monitor how much network traffic your are running so you should know if it is your machine doing it.

Otherwise I would have the ISP verify they see no errors on the connection. To a point you can tell but it depends how much information about the DSL your modem gives you about signal level and stuff. If these are out of normal the ISP will see them on their side also.
Well I'd say about last week I was on the phone with ATT and they said that the line was in great condition and that everything was running good it was just a modem, so I got the new modem but a few days later the same problems still occurred. I don't believe the problem lies on my PC because it also happens on my laptop and my downstairs computer also. I was thinking of calling ATT again but I don't know what sort of help this could bring me.
The only problem is that I am living with my family and such and they as you know are quite the internet hogs and thats what i was wondering if maybe there was anything i could do to try and help this while they do whatever they do on their computers and phones and such


What kind of stuff do they do online? If it's heavy stuff like streaming movies that will hurt on a limited connection. Can you tell if this still happens if you can find times with less (or no) competition for the service?

Well there is a router built into the modem that we have which i have my ethernet plugged into but i also have a vizio router right next to that as the router in the modem kinda sucks

As a troubleshooting step you could try taking the vizio router out of the loop. I've had to replace routers in the past because of performance issues.
Well my family usually goes to bed at around 11ish and it somewhat cuts down on the amount of times it happens but its still noticeable when it does which is still there but just not as prominent.

ill go try that right now, thanks

alright ive taken that out of the loop and i will see if it does anything. Also not to long ago today i was running the ping -t thing in cmd and it would even show when i lagged it would say either an extremely high ping or just request timed out