Danio237 :
Pls give me some info if u will find the answer couse I have almost the same problem, just mine is happening every 60 seconds.
Sorry for late reply but i think i managed to find the solution. My Wifi adapter was looking for new connection each 11 seconds and i had to disable auto configuration to stop it. The solution was in commecnts under this video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZD8IwIU3mk . Here is the comment :
The real solution.
in your windows cmd, type in
netsh wlan show settings
and one of the last things might say
Auto configuration logic is enabled on interface "Wireless Network Connection"
if that's the case, then type in
netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=no interface="Wireless Network Connection"
It should respond with
Auto configuration has been disabled on interface "Wireless Network Connection".
If it doesn't, then you might have mistyped your interface=" part. Check in your adapter settings, you might have Wireless Network Connection 2 or 3 etc. (the part in quotations is different for most people you must use what it says for you personally)
This will definitely stop your wireless card from searching for nearby networks and updating your signal quality when you're not asking it to- which is what is causing the spikes.
You will need to turn it back on if you disconnect or need to be able to find nearby networks again. To do so change disabled to enabled from the earlier command or copy pasta
netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=yes interface="Wireless Network Connection"