[SOLVED] Ping spikes at specific times

Nov 9, 2020
Since about 3 weeks I have been getting ping spikes every day starting at 8PM and ending at about 11PM (sometimes at 10.30PM). it only happens in ROBLOX in any other game my ping is always 20 or lower.
I have already tried restarting the router, opening the ports for ROBLOX, reinstalling it, adding it as exception to the firewall and nothing worked so far. Im using ethernet connection aswell tho its the exact same result with WiFi.
If this happened all the time I would say it was something about your machine but because it is time of day it is not likely. It is not a like a video driver or something changes based on time.

This almost has to be a server issue. Since you see no network issues there is not much else left. Even if there is say a network congestion in the server network you can't fix that the game company has to. Not sure maybe the game forum and see if maybe people using certain ISP have issues access the game.

You could try a vpn but it would be pretty much blind guessing so it depends on if you want to gamble money to see if there is a problem in the path between your ISP and the game. If it is the game server itself then it is...
So where do you see the ping spikes in the game or are you use a actual ping command.

In general ping problems based on time of day are a result of a overloaded connection based on other people usage. Even when people work form home they will have different traffic usage after work so it could be that.

In any case the trouble shoot method is the same. You run tracert to the server having the problem. You then run ping commands in back ground windows to test each hop. The most important ones are hop1 (your router) and hop 2 (the isp first router in most cases). These are the 2 you can most easily get fixed. You can try other hops but the farther away the less likely you can do anything about it. If the problem for example is in the ISP of the game company its not like you can call up and get them to even talk to you since you are not their customer.
Im a novice with all this so how do I use tracert for the server im in.
Also since it happens so late no one besides me is using the internet in our house, and also people that come from the same country as me and are in the same game server always have 60MS or lower it seems im the only one.
It does not have to be someone in your house even though that would have been the easiest to fix. It can be anyplace actually. Could be your neighbors or it could be related to the server ISP in some way. Be very sure nothing in your house is doing like a backup to the cloud or maybe downloading patches to some game.

Tracert should be obvious just try it on some of the well know ip like

Finding the IP of your server means you either look it up some place or you should also be able to see it in the network tab of the resource monitor when you have the game open.
The problem is you have to run mulitple tracert if the problem is intermittent. This is why you run constant ping commands to ip addresses since it runs all the time. Tracert is really only used to get the list of IP to ping.

If you consistently get good results to google (ie then the problem is in the server network. You need the IP of the server to see if there is a difference.

This is already indicates that you are not likely going to get this fixed. The problem must be inside your ISP or your equipment. All you can do is try to find it. If it is in the server ISP maybe you could send tech support for the game the information and if they are in a good mood they would call their ISP and see if there is something they could fix.
If this happened all the time I would say it was something about your machine but because it is time of day it is not likely. It is not a like a video driver or something changes based on time.

This almost has to be a server issue. Since you see no network issues there is not much else left. Even if there is say a network congestion in the server network you can't fix that the game company has to. Not sure maybe the game forum and see if maybe people using certain ISP have issues access the game.

You could try a vpn but it would be pretty much blind guessing so it depends on if you want to gamble money to see if there is a problem in the path between your ISP and the game. If it is the game server itself then it is something you are going to have to tolerate
The problem is there is no actual free vpn they all try to make money somehow. Some try to force ads some very bad ones got caught loading bit coin miners. The vpn clients do not always uninstall cleanly on these free ones also. The better services have trial offers or money back offers. Some let you run for free at a very low data rate or very low data cap so you can try them.

Not sure this is almost going to be random if it works when you don't actually know why it has problems. It takes quite a bit more knowledge than you have to actually figure out how the ISP in the path are connected.