ISP says its not on their end, so I'd like someone to help me troubleshoot my wireless network. During peak hours 7-11pm, whenever I play a game I get insane ping spikes(40-1000ms). When I ping their server's IP in Chicago I get 8% packetloss. I also have this information if it helps
Some more (possibly useful) information:
-Modem/router arris TG1672
-own router RT-n56u
-ASUS USB-N53 Dual Band adapter(this adapter doesn't see 5ghz signal for some reason. People say the drivers are outdated for windows8/8.1 machines)
-both routers had issues with ping spikes(wireless)
-Down 60~
-Up 22~
-wired 90down 22up
-I live in an apartment so there are alot of wireless connection. 10+wifi's around me.( I do keep the channel on auto, I assume it works better that way)
Some more (possibly useful) information:
-Modem/router arris TG1672
-own router RT-n56u
-ASUS USB-N53 Dual Band adapter(this adapter doesn't see 5ghz signal for some reason. People say the drivers are outdated for windows8/8.1 machines)
-both routers had issues with ping spikes(wireless)
-Down 60~
-Up 22~
-wired 90down 22up
-I live in an apartment so there are alot of wireless connection. 10+wifi's around me.( I do keep the channel on auto, I assume it works better that way)