Ping spikes Only when downloading anything


Apr 13, 2015
-Router: Linksys E2500
-Modem: Arris TM822

PC Specs
CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K 4.2GHz Quad-Core Processor
Motherboard: MSI Z270 GAMING PRO CARBON ATX LGA1151 Motherboard
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA G2 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply
USB or Pci: None

Running Win 10 home
ISP is Suddenlink
Connection type: Ethernet
Number of connections: Three, my phone computer and cable

I can use the internet fine if im not downloading anything, but if anything big for any reason starts to download I get a ping spike like so

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 * * 3752 ms
3 137 ms 1927 ms 99 ms
4 * * * Request timed out.
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 * * * Request timed out.
7 * 435 ms 66 ms
8 12 ms 12 ms 13 ms
9 12 ms 12 ms 11 ms

and its not just one time, I did tracert about 5 times to make sure it was consistent and it was. As soon as I stopped downloading my game it changed to this

<1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 18 ms 8 ms 9 ms
3 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms
4 10 ms 11 ms 12 ms
5 12 ms 13 ms 11 ms
6 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms
7 11 ms 11 ms 13 ms
8 15 ms 13 ms 12 ms
9 26 ms 22 ms 26 ms

Im not sure if I get ping spikes with small downloads, I would need to catch it and look in cmd as im doing it but on bigger downloads that take time you can notice it almost stop the speed of everything and spike to 1000+. Im not sure if the two are related but sometimes in the day when i'm on games like cs:go my ping will spike to 600 and stay there, then fluctuate between that and 150+ but never going back to the average 40-75

My bad I thought that ment what is connected to the internet so I said my iPhone was on it, no I have a separate router and modem im not really sure what all in one would be, our homophone was connected to the internet but we dont have that anymore since we rarely used it. Also our cable runs through the internet, if the internet is off our cable is off at least thats my understanding, I dont pay for or fiddle with the cable much Hope that answered your question.
There a several reasons why you can have ping spikes.

Your total bandwidth when it comes to download and upload plays a part if you wanna game + download / or someone streams something on an another computer/TV in the house.

Your ISP cant deliver a stable connection to you.

What kind of line into your house? Fiber, copper or what?

Are you experiencing dropouts from a node on your way to the game server?

Are your modem damaged? Or your wifi / ethernet card damaged in your computer?

Are there something that makes distortion on your line?

etc etc etc etc

We have never had bandwith issues before it started happening a few months ago but now its more frequent

What kind of line into your house? Not sure how I would even figure that out

Are you experiencing dropouts from a node on your way to the game server? - I could check here in a second

Are your modem damaged? Or your wifi / ethernet card damaged in your computer? - Not that im aware, ethernet card is up to date and says its working properly

Are there something that makes distortion on your line? - Like what? my ethernet goes from my pc up a wall through the attic and down behind the tv to the router

What kind of line into your house: Call your ISP or look at your broadband contract.

Are there something that makes distortion on your line: Now that depends on how long your cable is from the computer to the modem (normaly it should not be a problem) and what other electrical cables is running straight by it or crossing it, that can cause electrical interference. Do you have big speakers close to the Modem that has powerfull magnets in them. That can create magnetic interference.
And ofc what kind of internet cable you are using. Put in other words: Whats the CAT rating on your cable?

the cable is kinda long but it worked before so im not sure how it would suddenly change
No big speakers causing interference which im not sure how that plays a factor on ping only going up on downloads, like I said I can do everything fine until I download something, I can watch twitch, stream netflix watch youtube just fine 1080p
Second hop timeout should be your router as most by default are configured to be non-pingable. Third hop should be I think your modem except in cases when your modem and router are the same (some ISPs do this so that's why I ask if you bought your own router). If they are separate, then I would call your ISP, show them the traceroute and explain it happens only during downloading. It might be the modem needs updating, and if the third hop is the hop to your ISP, it could be something about how they're regulating that hop that's affecting it. It could be the wiring itself, but again, this is all on them to check as they are responsible for the "to the node" part of the network hardware. Try and ask for tech support. Customer support is usually pointless for these kinds of issues.
Your first step is to try to figure out how much bandwidth the download is using compared to how much bandwidth you get say on a speedtest site.

It can be as simple as your download is using all the bandwidth you pay for and there is not left for the game/ping. The other possibility is that there is something wrong with the connection to your ISP and the extra load from downloading is causing more errors. If you have a cable modem you can look at the screens and see if the error counts are increasing on many cable modems.

Since hop 2 goes to 9-18ms when things are good this represent the connection between your house and the ISP. This to a point indicates it is not your PC or your router causing this.

Sorry I was gone for awhile, I though it was fixed after I contacted ISP and in the end they reset modem from there end and it seemed to do something. Here is a more detailed look at what is going on during any download. I can tell the basics of what is going on but maby someone can get something more out of this image