Ping super slow when my pc connects to the wifi


Jan 24, 2017
I do some gaming, and sometimes, my ping is crazy. Especially for World of Tanks I get 100-300 ping (for Overwatch I usually get 30-100 ping oddly, but it still has the lightning and stack of cards symbol, meaning that it is having bad ping too I believe). I tried to do scans for malware and such... also I should mention my dad uses uTorrent a LOT. How do I tell him to stop using it when I need WiFi? How do I prove to him it’s bad for the WiFi?

On a side note, my disk space will often reach 99% and I’m not sure how to fix it?

Thanks in advance!
Just close chrome or close some tabs if you need to free up memory.

Google it, or just look around the menu settings in your client until you find bandwidth settings.
Wireless inherently has higher latency than an ethernet or powerline connection. You can limit the bandwidth allocated to utorrent within most clients (so, for instance, if you have an internet service for 15Mbps, you can limit total bandwidtch in the utorrent client to 7 or 8.

Your "disk space" often reaches 99%? Do you mean your memory usage? If you system disk reached 99% full, your PC would be unusably slow. Assuming you mean memory usage, it's not unusual for memory to reach 100% usage if you're playing games. how much memory do you have?

Also, some terminology: Ping is the time it takes for a signal to reach a remote machine and come back. Bandwidth is the rate of data transfer. You can have good ping and low bandwidth, (which sounds like what you're experiencing with overwatch) or bad ping and high bandwidth

Thanks! Yeah it's worrisome, but if it really is normal, that's good. Google Chrome seemed to be the culprit.

About uTorrent, would you mind elaborating with a tutorial how to do so and/or why it affects ping/wifi speed? My dad would never believe me and would assume I'm trying to hog all the wifi speed... It is strange though how the wifi speeds fluctuate. Thanks for your help.
yeah, chrome can be a memory hog, especially if you have several tabs open.

Odds are it's your internet service speed that fluctuates, not the wifi connection. You only can download data so fast, as determined by your service contract, and that can sometimes vary depending on how many people in your building/neighborhood/city are also using significant bandwidth. If utorrent is downloading at full blast, there is no bandwidth for anything else, you'd have trouble watching netflix, too.

As far as a tutorial, google it for your specific utorrent client. There are tons of utorrent clients and the process is slightly different for each one.

Would you recommend changing browsers? I absolutely adore Google Chrome, I just love so many things about it.

About uTorrent, should I just google it up or do you have any specific article links or advice?