Planetside 2 Lag - and I think I have a nice computer


Jul 28, 2016
I have a Dell Inspiron 15 (3000 series) and I'm trying to run Planetside 2.

Here are my specs:
Intel Core i5-5200U @ 2.20 GHz processor
Windows 10 Pro
4 GBs of RAM
Nvidia GeForce 820 mm Graphics Card AND an Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
72 MBPS of Internet Speed (wireless)

So I tried disabling the Intel R HD Graphics 5500 graphics card using device manager, I don't know why exactly but my friend told me the Nvidia is awesome and I wanted to use just that. When I did this, this error came up and the game wouldn't start:

I reenabled the Intel Graphics card and the game turned on, but still laggy.

I am eventually going to buy more RAM, but I only have one slot so the max I'll be able to pull off is 8 GB.
Other than that I used my GeforceExperience Control Panel to "optimize settings", which put everything at low and turned shaders off and such.

Can anyone tell me why this game is so laggy? I have no problem running a game like Robocraft or Minecraft at the highest possible settings, but I can't even pull off the minimum settings in planetside without lag.

And tips would help me so much!

EDIT 8/3/16
I'm still experiencing lag, and my little brother has a Intel HD Graphics 520 on a combo desktop with 8GB RAM and 2.7 GHZ Processor. I looked on notebook check and my graphics card is only -3% less than his, so why am I still experiencing immense lag and he isn't? Does the RAM (mine being 4GB Less) or the processor speed (mine being .5 GHZ less) have anything to do with it? The simple graphics card is weak answer really isn't helping me because he's running it on like ultra. 😛

Well that's a bummer. I thought it was pretty nice considering the Nvidia Graphics card. I payed about $300, you get what you pay for I guess. Thanks for your input!

So can I get a better graphics card for my computer?

Please read my newest edit:
I'm still experiencing lag, and my little brother has a Intel HD Graphics 520 on a combo desktop with 8GB RAM and 2.7 GHZ Processor. I looked on notebook check and my graphics card is only -3% less than his, so why am I still experiencing immense lag and he isn't? Does the RAM (mine being 4GB Less) or the processor speed (mine being .5 GHZ less) have anything to do with it? The simple graphics card is weak answer really isn't helping me because he's running it on like ultra.