Planning to buy a motherboard


Jul 12, 2016
As the title says, I'm planning to buy a motherboard to go with my i5-7600k (s1151) and since i have a motherboard with a FM1 socket, I'm wondering what new do I have to buy to go with the socket? I have my PC untouched for about 5 years, I changed my GPU to a 1050ti last month. Will I have to buy new RAM, new PSU or new fan for the CPU? Thanks in advance.

I would replace it with something better quality if you can aford it after the other ugrades. If not then replace it as your next upgrade.

Hi! The PSU is Chieftec 500W GPA500S8, hope that helped. Thanks for the other advice!

I would replace it with something better quality if you can aford it after the other ugrades. If not then replace it as your next upgrade.