play game without lag


Sep 8, 2015
i recently BOUGHT assasins creed 4 FROM A SHOP but i havent rly been able to play it without lag. (lag in gameplay and mostly in cutscenes )


i have an intel core 17 6700t 3.4 ghz processssor

and intel HD 530 graphics(intergrated)

4 gb ram
Hello... the GTX960 is a great starting point for your system... great price vs performance right now.
The GTX 970 is a Monster of a Graphics card for lag free power B )

1) You can set the game settings as low as you can, in the game and try that... but the intel HD 530 is just a good internet and streaming CPU/GPU only.
thnx guys. i just tried a bunch of stuff with AC4 and it didnt work. i am going to buy a grafix card so what should i buy?
I intend to keep the graphics card i buy for a lont time so plis recommend something good and affordable.
i have abt 300 $
Take the side of the case off, your PSU should have a label with a brand and model number. It will have other numbers too. It is essential your PSU is good enough to power any GPU we recommend otherwise you may need a new PSU. A free program like HWInfo can give you the rest of the spec. Also what case do you have, just to be sure you have room in the case?

Without this it's like calling your mechanic and going I need new tyres for a blue car, what do you recommend. Not enough information the answer the question.