Playerunkowns battlegrounds issue


Nov 9, 2013
I have a gtx 1080 i7 4790k 16gb of ram system and play at 1440p 144hz. What is going on is I get 60 fps out in the woods 40-50 in some cities and 30 in major cities. I know that it is most likely not optimized however what is weird is its only using 60-80 percent of my gpu mostly around 67 percent and only 30-40 percent of my cpu temps are fine and nothing changes when I raise or lower in games video settings. Any ideas?
I think as you say this game is horribly optimised at the moment. I was watching someone stream where they were stood in a small town, when they looked in some directions while stood still (no players) their FPS would fall by 50%. If your drivers are updated and you don't have problems with any other games then you're probably going to have to wait for them to patch things gradually.

Rather than copy and paste things, you could try these settings to see if it improves things.
Yeah I know its just weird because other people complain about hitting 100 percent gpu and I only hit 70 I dont know much about pc gaming but from what Ive been told you should hit 99 percent in games and 100 if there is a bottleneck
The CPU usage doesn't always reflect the reality anyway, my understanding is that a game can be killing a single core and starving your GPU but the other 7 threads are barely used. I would just ignore the usage (I rarely find it useful unless it is constantly 100% and you're game is leaping around all over the place, then you might have a real problem with a background application).

I find in most of these large open world games the CPU is the limiting factor and tend to cut back on the more CPU intensive settings, if you're reducing GPU settings and finding your FPS stays the same this is a fairly clear indication that CPU is holding things back. However, there is nothing wrong with that spec and I believe it is just a case of a game in development that will improve as they patch it.
So I just noticed something my gpu usage is 99 percent and I am getting good fps but as soon as I go into a city my usage goes to 50-60 and my fps drops by 30 could this be a bottleneck or is it just the game?