Playing Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn causing computer to restart.


May 9, 2014
Hello, I have recently installed a Nvidia GTX 770 in my computer and am now having a problem where while playing Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn, the computer will restart itself. So far this only happens while playing Final Fantasy 14 and does not happen at all with any of my other games which include games like Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, the Mass Effect series, and Devil May Cry.

The issue seems to occur most commonly when I'm around Aetheryte Crystals in areas and currently I'm stuck next to the Aetheryte Crystal in Ul'Dah and no the game restarts the computer every time it tries to load the area. I'm currently at a loss at what may be happening and how to solve it and it was suggested I ask here. My system in total is:

Dell XPS 8700
700 (or may be a 750) watt power supply
EVGA Nvida GTX 770 Dual SuperClocked 4GB 256-bit GDDR5
Intel i7-4770
8GB RAM (2 4GB)
Windows 7 Premium 64-bit

Apologies for making a second post without a response to my previous, but this time the computer restarted while not playing Final Fantasy. This time around it restarted after I clicked refresh on the Performance rating section of system since it said I had new hardware and it wasn't accounting for it in the performance score. This time around the error popped up again and I clicked on details and here is what it says.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 116
BCP1: FFFFFA80076D84E0
BCP4: 0000000000000004
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1...
FYI the PSU in a standard dell 8700 is no where near 700 watts. They play the game of adding the 3 and 5 volt wattage to the 12 volt rails, which is deceptive. Good brands only count the 12 volt rails toward the wattage of the PSU. The 8700 either has a 460 watt or 550 watt psu.

Oh no, it's not the default PSU, I'm using one that I purchased alongside an older GPU that I was using with an older computer and have transferred to this one before buying the current GPU I have now.
What model PSU is it?

Consistent crashes in certain areas usually points to a failing PSU or a bad GPU. Those crystals might be causing the GPU to try really hard to render them, and if the PSU can't supply enough power it will crash the system. Or if the GPU is bad, stuff like this will happen.

Have you had crashes in any other games? Are the temps normal when trying to load the game?

I do not know what model it is as it was a non brand PSU that was sold on Newegg a few years ago and I can't find it listed any longer. I have no problems with any other game, even ones more graphically intensive than Final Fantasy. This only happens with Final Fantasy, though at the moment it seems to have stopped for the time being as I was able to load up the area and am now playing with it not having restarted yet, but I dunno if it'll happen again or not.

Other games such as Skyrim, Devil May Cry, Mass Effect, and Castlevania: Lord of Shadows, it plays perfectly fine with no problems with everything at max. Even using the benchmark tester that came with the gpu, which is Uniengine's Valley Benchmark 1.0, at "Extreme HD" setting doesn't cause this problem, Final Fantasy 14 is the one and only that this happens with, hence my extreme confusion at what may be wrong.

Have you monitored temps while this behavior is happening? It might be good to watch how your temps behave in FF compared to a different game you played. It might be taxing the GPU more than you think. I can't really think of any other explanations.

PrecisionX shows you GPU temp. If you only have 1 monitor, try running the game in Windowed Fullscreen if it has the option, which will let you alt-tab really fast.

Or you could use the RivaTuner statistics server to display your GPU temp on-screen while you play. It should already be installed on your comp, because i comes with the Nvidia drivers. It's a better solution, but requires some playing around to get it working. It's somewhat confusing at first. You could probably google how to set it up.
Personally I'd guess it's a bad gpu. Probably some specific feature in the crystals is causing it to fault, probably not due to a power draw. It might be a glitch due to overclocking. I'd just try it with as many combinations of gpu configuration as possible. It reminds me of a crash I'd get when using hdmi audio out on my gtx580.

If it is a bad gpu, I do not know if Newegg would allow me to exchange it for a new one or not, so I may have to fiddle with settings to try and get this to work if no other solution is possible.

Try underclocking the GPU to whatever it will allow you to (using Precision X), and try to force it to crash again

Do I also turn down the Power Target option or just the GPU and Mem clock speeds?

I don't think it hits 100% power usage when clock speeds are turned down, but just to be safe drop the power target down to 90%. Temp target won't matter.
Ok so so far with the GPU clock speed set at -105 MHz and the Mem clock speed set at -502 MHz and with a 90% power target, it doesn't seem to cause a restart and I've been teleporting between Ul'Dah and other heavily populated areas and it seems to be ok so far.
If you are positive the crashes are gone, then it sounds like your GPU is dying or faulty. If still possible I would try to RMA with newegg and through EVGA. EVGA is known to have excellent customer service, so if newegg won't do it, EVGA will probably be able to work something out with you. They might make you jump through some troubleshooting hoops first though.
kk, well I'll keep settings as they are for now and keep observing. I'll give it a day or two and if it doesn't reset again, I'll contact Newegg. I did go to their site and check and it does seem they'd be up for exchanging it for a new one so if the GPU is faulty, then I'll go through and contact Newegg for an exchange.
Ok, after playing for an extended time while under the settings suggested, the computer reset itself while playing Final Fantasy again. This time around a couple new things have occurred. First I was playing music at the time and when it was shutting down, the music froze and became a strange buzzing noise. Second upon booting up and loading Windows 7 a message popped along the lines of "Windows has restarted due to an error." I tried clicking on the find a solution, but nothing happened and the message just disappeared.

EDIT: Ok I found the error log and it shows error messages for all the times it's restarted. For today's it shows "video hardware error" and "shutdown unexpectedly" which is with the underclocked gpu, all previous errors only say "Windows was not properly shutdown."
Apologies for making a second post without a response to my previous, but this time the computer restarted while not playing Final Fantasy. This time around it restarted after I clicked refresh on the Performance rating section of system since it said I had new hardware and it wasn't accounting for it in the performance score. This time around the error popped up again and I clicked on details and here is what it says.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 116
BCP1: FFFFFA80076D84E0
BCP4: 0000000000000004
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1

Files that help describe the problem:
C:\Users\[Name Removed]\AppData\Local\Temp\WER-43617-0.sysdata.xml
That system crash is related to graphics hardware, so it sounds like your GPU is dying on you. I would send it in to Newegg.

Also, just to make sure, you are using the latest Nvidia drivers right? I don't think it would matter, but that specific crash can also happen because of driver issues, which is not likely because Nvidia has good drivers.
Yeah, my drivers are the newest ones available and I've even re-installed them as one of the first things to try to fix all these restarts. I was hoping this may have ended up being Windows and just needed to be re-installed or something, but if it's the gpu I'll start taking the steps to get it replaced.
Ok, so for now I've gone back to my old GTX 560 and taken out the 770 for the moment since it's starting to reset a bit more often. On another site where I am also discussing this, they suggest that it might be my PSU that is the problem since it's a non name brand one that was sold on Newegg a few years ago and it was about $60 or so, which I got with my old 560 to use on an older computer. Do you think this is a possibly and if so, should I post a pic of the PSU to show the details it lists on the side or does that not matter?

Edit: I'll go ahead an include the picture, just to be on the safe side. Apologies for the glare, it was the best one I could take while getting all the info and it not turn out blurry.

Also this is how it looks in the case when the 770 was in as well as the other stuff.
Yeah that could definitely be a PSU issue. Since it was 700W I assumed it had good Amperage, but I guess it doesn't. It has two 12V rails with only 23A and 26A each. You need a PSU with at least 42A on a single 12V rail.

The HX750 is on sale right now, it's a great PSU I have it myself. It has a single 12V rail with 62A, and it will run any future GPU you use. Extra $20 off with coupon code EMCPEWA23 and theres a 20 dollar rebate which would bring the total down to $89.