Playing game with remote desktop?


Aug 24, 2015

I want to know if I can play a game (It's an mmorpg) on another computer controlling it via remote desktop or something.

I have 200mb fiber and the place where the other computer is have 100mb fiber, it's not lan.. so will be possible to play the game with no much lag?

I thought about windows remote desktop or tightvnc/realvnc (teamviewer is so terrible for this)

Interesting question.. I once tried it using remote desktop just for giggles but it didn't work. I think the issue was that when you're using the remote desktop only the 2d functions are accessible over the GPU however using realvnc or teamviewer it maybe possible.
Microsoft's RDP doesn't work for this due to acceleration. There's quite a few programs that do what you're looking for. I remember using something called Kainy (?) a few years back that did this. Nothing like killing some time playing WoW on the move, on my phone (I was a sad child).