Playing games on Win 2000 pro


Jan 9, 2004
I am about to order a new computer and was wondering which OS to get. I already have Win 2000 Pro from an old comp. I could save some $$ if I just used it but I would like to play games on it as well although Im not very good. Should I get XP now when I order the new comp since I can get an OEM version for alot less $$ or will 2000 pro do. I will also use the comp. for dvd burning, internet, etc...
Thanks for your time.

My computer:
AMD 2500
Abit NF7 v 2.0
Seagate 160 GB HD
ATI 9000 Video
Crucial memory 512 MB
Yamaha CDRW
Games will play fine on Windows 2000. It's the OS I use, and I've never had a problem. All the new games run fine. save your money, stick with win2k if you're comfortable with it.

<font color=blue>"Look, I know it's old-fashioned, but I'm from the school that believes if God intended us to fly, he wouldn't have invented Spanish air traffic control" - Dave Lister</font color=blue>
In my experience (win 2k pro and win xp home) there is no difference between the compatibilty of games on each OS. I run win 2k pro at the moment and all the games I run (CS, CoD, BF1942, NFS: Underground, GTA: Vice City) it is fine. Save the money :smile:

<A HREF="" target="_new">Yay, I Finally broke the 12k barrier!!</A>
Ive had a lot of problems gettting some older games, like Colin McRae 2 to work with decent frame rates...compared to xp, where i get good frames in most games.

XP2000, 256ddr 2100ram, GF4 MX440, XP Pro
It looks like 2000 likes opengl games since, i have quake3 installed on my 2000-server and runs faster than either XP or 98SE.

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A New Beginning"</i></b>