Playstation 3 won't read disc's


Nov 29, 2013
My playstation 3 is working fine, except for when I put in a disc, it only spins for around 10 seconds without showing it is reading the disc on the OS. It won't recognize any of my games. I've been thinking about replacing the disc drive, but it's expensive and it will only do when there is no other option.

Playstation 3 model:
Phat 40GB

Could be something else other than the...
Sounds like the laser is dead, the drive, the controller, lots of things. First thing to try, try a DVD or audio CD, or something non-bluray based. The PS3 uses 2 laser diodes, one for bluray movies and PS3 games. The other red-based diode for DVD's and CD's. Usually only 1 burns out but the other works. This will help determine if it is the laser or something more serious.

You can't replace the drive without swapping the controller board as well, or at the very least the NAND chip. EAch drive controller board is married to the PS3 via keys. You can replace the laser easily enough, but need to make sure it's the laser first.

I tried a dvd and an audio cd, both didn't work.

Could be something else other than the laser, or both diodes died at once. In my shop, I would try a new laser, if that didn't work, then I'd look to figure out what was wrong for the customer, but to tell you to order a new laser or drive, and swap it, without being able to determine what else it could be is hard to do, because lots of things go wrong on those things.

That was going to be my suggestion. With the price of the lasers/drives for the system, it's cheaper to buy a working one from Gamestop where they will have a warranty, etc and at least you know it works.

Yeah, repairing it might turn out more expensive then buying a good one. I think I'll sell this as a digital-only ps3, and note that the disc drive isn't working. The scumbag that sold this to me noted it worked perfectly fine.