Please Could Someone Recomend a cpu for a msi 760GM-P23(FX) (MS-7641) (CPU1)


Dec 29, 2017
Could Someone Recomend a cpu for a msi 760GM-P23(FX) (MS-7641) (CPU1). I am looking for a gaming cpu for this socket that would go nicely/ next to no botlecap for a gtx 960 at 4gb.
possibly vr ready?
cheap if possible(under £100).
Thankyou very much for the help
Here is your CPU Support List for that motherboard. The best processor on this list is going to be the FX-8370E.

For under £100 is going to be the FX-8320E - UK PPCP

Note: The FX-8320E is not the same as the FX-8320.

Should handle a GTX 960 well enough, but probably borderline for VR (depending on which VR system).

-Wolf sends

Nothing on there is good enough for games nowdays. Sure they will run with fps drops quite often since the tech is over 5 years old now and was quite mediocre back then.

Also keep in mind that your board is quite terrible when it comes to quality since it struggles with even a fx 6300. The vrms overheat and cause it to throttle the cpu.

would this defiantly work


Assuming you meant "definitely", yes. That processor is compatible with your motherboard.

-Wolf sends

Second this. It will maintain higher clocks so better single core performance and the added 2 cores from the fx 8320e will usually never be used and when it will the game will be too much to handle for the fx anyways.