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It does not have that much options.

You should probably use a dual fan 120 or 140 mm fan radiator on the top of your case and add a 120mm to the front of your case.
You could have the top fans in exhaust and in push/pull if you have room and have the front fan for intake. This would help your HDD and your cpu.

According to the website I gave you, the best liquid cooler is the coolermaster Nepton 280L, which has dual 140mm rad. It's really expensive though, so you may go for the next best dual fan cooler, which is the Cooler Master Seidon 240M. (It's also quieter than the Nepton and it uses 2 x 120's not 2 x 140s).

Again, no matter what, buy a front 120mm fan. If you have room buy 2 additonal fans for whichever liquid cooler you choose to run push/pull config.

Hey bro, thanks for the reply.

How is the cooler master hyper evo 212 , is there any comparison available between the corsair h80 i cpu cooler and the cooler master hyper evo 212 ?? Does CM allows me to mount another 120 mm fan with the heatsink , and if I install 2 fans with the heatsink having cfm higher than 90 would it help me improve the cooling of my Intel Core i5- 3570 K Quad Core Processor.

How much is the cost of both??

And what would be the bang for the buck , since I am also using an overclocked dedicated graphics card inside the case??

That link shows a comparison. All you need to know is what one of the people in the comments says.

"TL;DR: Don't throw your money into the thrash because a $30 air cooling system performs just as well as the $100 Corsair H80i with the same amount of noise... prolly even lower power consumption because of the pump"

This link shows that push/pull only drops it by another 1 degree or so, so probably not worth it.
However, it does show that the exhaust fan is not pumping out enough air.

In summary:
I recommend that you buy a 140 mm fan for exhaust at the top and a 120mm fan for intake from the front so you get a lot more airflow. This will help your gpu, hdd, and cpu. If your choice is only between the coolermaster hyper 212 evo and the h80i, get the hyper 212 evo. The push/pull configuration on the 212 evo is not worth the extra money for the fan. Spend the money you save from not buying this extra fan and not buying the h80i and put it into the case fans that I described at the beginning of this paragraph.