PLEASE Help!!! Atempting To Install Win7 On Hp Stream 11 Over Ubuntu Issue!!!

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Sep 23, 2016
A Few Months Ago (maybe a year.. I Had Windows 10 On My Hp Stream 11 And It Had Problems So I Installed Ubuntu Over It And Did "Replace Windows 10 With Ubuntu" And Now I Just Want Windows 7 Not Ubuntu Or Windows 10 Just Win7 And I Tried To Install Win7 But It Said "No Device Drivers Were Found" I Tried Everything Doing Usb 2.0 Instead Did Not Work!
And When I Try Commands People Say I Does Not Work Either! So Could Someone Help Me PLEASE!! Thank You!
The stream 11 follows the hardware guidelines for windows 8.x tablets. This includes some bios hardware features not supported in windows 7 like the live suspend mode. You can search for "how to install windows 7 on a windows 8 tablet" to get some starting points, you will need to do a lot of manual driver cannibalizing. Or you can just go with installing windows 8 which IMO is just as good as 7.
Well.. Rufus Failed At Making A Windows 8.1 Install Usb I Think It Coud Be A Corrupt ISO Image Could You Give Me A Link To A Windows 8 ISO File That Is Not Corrupt? Thanks


would appreciate you telling what the something else is. I have a Stream 13 that wont boot to anything after Win10 got its hands on it and the user tried a factory reset. I'm trying to get back to Win7 but get the CD/DVD driver that is reported everywhere but has no solutions that I can see.
You can't install windows 7 only windows 8 and 8.1 and windows 10 will work

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