Currently leaning towards OriginPC's Millennium purely based on user reviews. Preferably using the link below or a comparable reputable site, please build me a gaming rig that comes as close to meeting my criteria below, listed in order of most important to me to least important, all for under $3,300
Currently leaning towards OriginPC's Millennium purely based on user reviews. Preferably using the link below or a comparable reputable site, please build me a gaming rig that comes as close to meeting my criteria below, listed in order of most important to me to least important, all for under $3,300
■ Budget around $3,300
■ Current AAA games w/ Ultra settings @ 60 fps
■ High settings @ 60 FPS for any game for the next 4 years with zero upgrades.
■ Ultra settings @ 60 fps for 95% of AAA games for the next 5 years based on reasonable upgrades.
■ Quite enough where my GF could sleep on the couch 5 feet away.
■ Able to handle three monitors - NOT 4K
■ Jaw dropping graphical improvement over all future PS4 games.
■ Finally, I do not want to pay for anything that does not noticeably improve or enhance my gaming experience.
There you have it. Please help post your recommended customized config from OriginPC or elsewhere with Pricing.