Question Please help finding a manual for Visiontek Radeon 7870 2GB GDDR5 6M , 900548

Jun 11, 2020
I've got a bad case of brainfog. I can't find the manual anywhere,
It should be drop-dead easy to find, right? Well, I've got nothing.
Visonteks's site doesn't list it, Nor did any searched return a (useable) result.
If anyone can point me to a link, I would be forever grateful.
Manual for a graphics card? That's simple plug'n'play hardware. What manual do you need?
Simple list of technical specifications is all you get.

Manual would be necessary for something as complicated as motherboard, not for a graphics card.
Your reply jogged my memory. I haven't touched innards of a computer for three or four years.
My GPU (Visiontek Radeon 7870 2GB GDDR5 6M, 900548), is running extremely hot and the GPU cooling fan does not come on until the temps reach 100c. When it does come on it runs for a few seconds and sounds like a wailing banshee.

GPU-Z reports that the fan is ALWAYS running at a reduced speed, usually under 50%. I’ve opened the case to visually confirm that the fan only runs when the temp reaches 100c. I was hoping that a manual might give me some information about the fan. I guess I’ll have to pull the card and confirm the fan’s size and power. I hope there is a PWM fan header on the card.

Thanks again, I appreciate it.