PLEASE HELP I have WAY too many background processes

Jan 2, 2019
so my windows 10 is killing my laptop. where do I begin. I have 100% CPU and 60 to 80% memory always. I have 300 to 500 background processes and around 100 windows processes, even when I am running 1 or 2 applications. However in startup, I have 100% CPU and memory and 900 to 1000 background processes. please help I am desperate as I need this laptop for so many things. to top all of this off, this laptop is like 3 or 4 months old.

edit: is there a way to disable all of this.
#1 Go to your search function for windows
#2 Type msconfig (open it)
#3 Go to the services tab
#4 Check at the bottom "hide microsoft services"
#5 Click "disable all"
#6 Apply/ then OK
#7 Restart PC

Note: if you have any issues opening a specific program after doing this, you can open msconfig again and individually enable a process/program you may need to have start.

thanks and no thanks. my startup only has 70 background processes however, it still uses 100 CPU and 30 or 40 memory. BUT after startup I got 315 background processes and 98 windows processes. I still need help, and again to remind you, most of them are duplicates.

Edit: my CPU dropped to around 86 and my memory is at around 56. I want these 2 to be lowered all the way to around atleast, CPU to 30 or 40 and memory to 20.

so what else does it disable

edit: because it does not seem like anything else got disabled because both windows and background processes remained similar and in the range I stated in the beginning.
quick update I fixed my cpu problem from startup tab in task manager, it is now 100 background and 100 eindoews, but I still have my memory problem. my cpu is at 40 and my memory is at 40. my memory is still at 40's but my cpu decreased. I would like to decrease my cpu usage even more but for now it is enough. if you would like to help with my cpu usage please do but I am trying to figure out myself how to lower it. I still need to lower my memory though.

edit: ok jeez actually my cpu problem is a ok. writing this edit now, it is at 20 and is decreasing still. my memory however is not decreasing
actually, my laptop runs fine soooooo, I am fine if anyone wants to post aid then go ahead and for anyone having too many background processes, then go to task manager and go to startup tab and disable whatever you want, then restart your PC.