[Please help, I've been dealing with this for too long] 100% Usage For no reason Windows 8.1

Sep 15, 2018
No matter what my disk usage is always over 97% nothing works, i've literally tried everything and its really interfering with my work everything i've tried :
disabling BITS
factory reset (meaning i literally wiped everything and check it instant and it was still 100%)
Disabled Windows Search
Updated Drivers
And as for Anti Virus... I can't disable mine (its McAfee it literally won't let me unistall so yea)
BTW i feel this is kinda important. this is a Windows 8.1 PC that can't update to windows 10 due to "BIOS" and info on that would be helpful too. Also also if you need any extra info just give the word once again help would be appreicated

Actually, easier for you, open your task manager and check exactly what program is using that much disk usage.

How old is your hard drive? If its using 100% at 16/mbs then you could either have a memory leak or just old or outdated drive.
Well I got this PC around 3 years ago. also here's what my thing I did said http://prntscr.com/m4ocl4


More than likely the HDD is going bad. Also, see if your drive is overheating, that could cause a throttling of the performance

y i k e s I don't know where to pop it open lemme search it up real quick.


Yeah its more than litely just the hardrive going bad. I had a very similar issue and the harddrive failed on me just shortly after
So how do I fix it?

my pc is windows 8.1