Please help me! 4k Problems!


Jun 28, 2014
Hello there TomsHardware, I've got a gaming PC hooked up to a 1080p monitor and a 4k monitor, (I'm using on-board graphics for the 1080p monitor) As you can see my R9 290 Tri-x DOES support 4k but I can't make it. The only way I can get my monitor to display true 4k is by setting my 1080p monitor to "Make this my main display" Please help me solve this it would be much appreciated!

George, Thanks for reading.

Without second display no, with the second display connected to the R9 no, the only way is to make the 1080p monitor the main display, (Not sure why) 🙁
Hm, I'm unsure.
What does windows say in resolution settings? Are you abele to select a resolution higher than 1080p on the 4k monitor? Have you tried disabling the onboard GPU? All drivers installed?

Let me try disabling on-board graphics now, thanks for your help.